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Our Agency secures International and Foreign Language Press!


Each year the leadership team at our agency meets around this time of year to assess our year and set goals for the years to come. We analyze where we are as an agency, our client roster, wins for our clients and goals we have for their success. Around this time a few years ago, one of the goals we set was to garner more international and foreign language press for our clients because we realized that none of our competitors were really offering that level of service and even large agencies here in the US only focus on American press. We have worked hard over the last few years to build our international and foreign language contacts and have translated releases into multiple languages over the years resulting in a huge increase in international and foreign language press for our clients. This year we had one of our best years for foreign and international press and we want to thank all of the journalists and media contacts with whom we worked with over the years to make this goal come to fruition! We are so proud to embrace the entire globe from a media perspective and we fully support a global economy and limitless possibilities for designers, entrepreneurs and businesses across the globe! See below for some highlights of international and foreign language press we have secured for clients in the last year including Spanish language press, Middle East press, UK press and more!


© 2018 by The Riviere Agency. 

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