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Digital Age Making Online Media Outlets King for Brands to Build Buzz!


We have a confession to make. Our agency has always been stronger at securing digital placements for clients than print placements. Don't get us wrong. We secure plenty of print placements for clients, but we rule digital (check out our press page for proof)! We've always been honest with clients and potential clients about the strength of our ditigal and influencer relationships relative to print and there have been a few brands over the years that chose other agencies because they wanted to focus solely on print. Sometimes we've wondered if we were crazy by focusing on digital so much in the last 7 years, but today Fashion Week Daily published an article validating our focus. 7 years ago people thought we were crazy, but we were right. Digitial has risen to the top of the media heap and Hearst Publications' digital numbers are proof that digital placements really are worth their weight in cyberspace gold! Not only do you get a lot of eyeballs, but you get SEO benefits and a longer shelf life than print because articles stay on the internet and come up in searches for a very long time! So all hail to the king...Digital Media...and congrats to Hearst Publications for your record-breaking traffic in November. Here is a breakdown of the top performing digital platforms for Heart in November 2016.

Best Products: 7.4 MM unique visitors, up 10,946% Esquire: 16 MM+, up 33% Country Living: 17.7 MM+, up 27% Harper’s BAZAAR: 12.2 MM, up 26% Marie Claire: 9.2 MM, up 24% Town & Country: 2.2 MM+, up 113%


© 2018 by The Riviere Agency. 

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